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Nudie jeans are a Swedish company that prides themselves on sustainability and quality. They are manufactured with organic cotton, also making them easier to recycle. The denim is washed and sanitized in Sweden, meaning it doesn’t require heavy metals to be dyed or processed. Nudie’s jeans are cut with an environmentally friendly process that uses less water and energy than comparable operations. Their denim is also not the same mass produced product that many of the other brands are. Nudie jeans are individually cut and made to display their unique quality.
Nudie Jeans is based on an idea. This idea is in turn composed of several concepts, beliefs, and a good portion of old fashioned fighting spirit. The pursuit of doing the opposite was one of the main reasons the brand got started, although not an end in itself. It was rather the passion for dry denim that pointed the brand in that direction. The raw, untreated fabric had at the time been falling into oblivion, and it wasn’t sought after by the public.
Nudie Jeans’ environmental philosophy was present even before the first collection was designed.